Our book on agile strategy development is now also available in English. In the Communication Strategy Handbook we introduce a practical framework to help you create the most effective strategy possible. The book is a best-seller amongst professionals in the Netherlands (Dutch title: Het Strategisch Communicatie Frame).
I strongly believe that strategy development is one of the most daunting challenges that any professional faces. No matter the field. Stakes are often extremely high. Developing effective strategies can put you on the path to becoming a trusted advisor and a valued professional.
It was our ambition to develop a step-by-step guide that will help you create a winning communication strategy. A guide that will help communicators of all types. From seasoned professionals to ambitious high potentials.
In our book we introduce the Communication Strategy Framework. This Framework has been designed to help senior communication professionals make targeted choices toward strategic communication.
Effectively linking communication and business strategy is one of the most important challenges for Chief Communication Officers. However, linear planning models are ineffective. And are becoming outdated quickly.
A more innovative strategy development process can revolutionize the communication function, increase communication impact, and improve stakeholder connections.
Taking an iterative approach and continually reflecting on whether your choices remain congruent, enables you to continually adapt to a changing context while staying in command. Adaptability is key.
The Communication Strategy Framework facilitates the Chief Communication Officer and team members to forcefully and efficiently make the right choices. It compels to think about how communication can contribute to achieving the organization’s goals. It provides a clear picture of your communication strategy. Ideally, this is a one pager; I strongly advise my clients to put superfluous details aside and concentrate on the essentials. Focus!
I have been working with this Framework for over 5 years now. And I helped numerous organizations develop effective strategies. Hopefully my ideas and experience will help you become a top-notch strategist! So do enjoy the book!
And please, do let me know what you think of the book and drop me an email.
PS. I would like to thank Paul Argenti, Jim Macnamara, Dejan Vercic, Inge Wallage, Xianhong Chen, Ansgar Zerfass, Larissa Grunig, Angeles Moreno, Robert Heath, Ronel Rensburg (+), Maria Aparecida Ferrari, Stephen Waddington and of course co-author Betteke van Ruler, the ‘grande dame de la communication’.